From Sonora To NYC, Exploring Louis F. Cota's Liminal Worldbuilding
NCO 121

N: Hello Louis, could you please introduce yourself to our readers? Tell us about where you're from, your upbringing, and how you ventured into photography.

L: My name is Louis F. Cota. I'm from Sonora, Mexico.

I studied marketing and business, but I have always been somewhat involved in creative fields. I got into photography and graphic design at the same time when I started making music with my brother and some of my friends.

Then I start doing the photography and visual identity for them. I was very curious about image making in general, not just photography.

N: The word I would use to describe your photography is 'liminal"... it's like you are navigating the threshold between dreamlike visions and the mundanity of urban life. On a general level, what are the themes or subjects that you find yourself drawn to exploring in your projects?

L: It totally depends on the stage, I think. I keep exploring and searching for a clear word, topic, and definition in general, like you said. In general, I am a very curious person that dives deep when something catches my attention or when an idea hits. Sometimes, it can even be a text, quote, or a word tha gets that process started.

N: I find that there is a sense of intimacy in your photography, almost as if you're capturing moments with close friends. Is that accurate? There is also a recurring theme in your work where your subjects' faces are blurred—could you share the thought process behind this?

L: Well, right now, I really enjoy how people perceive and describe my work through their own perspective, to be honest. I always wanted the viewer to be part of the interpretation, without me labelling a meaning on it.

I feel like you lose part of the beauty when you give people instructions on how they should feel when looking or listening to something.

Of course, I do work on creating stories and concepts, but like I said, I like the viewer to be part of my world with their own perspective.

As far as the blurred faces, I don't know; most things just happen naturally when I'm working.

In general, my work is influenced by many things: security cameras, the censorship of Mexican news, anonymous interviews, music videos, Google maps, tumblr, leaked content, etc.

N: I've noticed that you've been experimenting with 3D scanning. Are there any new techniques or styles in photography that you're currently exploring or that have recently caught your eye?

L: Recently, I don't know, haha. I usually shoot with 4 to 5 cameras. I always play around with the image a lot. I love how the format can change or elevate the direction of a concept.

N: Thank you for taking the time to speak with us, Louis. When we visit NYC next, where can we find you? Any favorite spots?

L: I just moved here a year ago, I am not the best tour guide yet haha.

All images courtesy of Louis F. Cota

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